As we know ventilation of your roof space to expel hot air and moisture is extremely important in maintaining a healthy and comfortable home environment.
A well Ventilated Home is an Energy Efficient Home. Save Energy, and make your Air Conditioning more cost effective and minimises the effect of damp areas. The better your house is ventilated the less work your Air Conditioner needs to do!
Installing a ventilation system is great but do your installers understand the importance of vent location and free air exchange?
You may have vents installed but without a source of free air exchange is your home being effectively vented? Our under eave vents are designed to work in conjunction with roof vents to allow cooler outside air to be drawn into the roof space and flush it out through the roof ventilator. The air drawn in from outside helps to improve the cross flow ventilation and help the roof mounted vents to work more effectively and efficiently.
Location location location! This is also another important factor to consider when installation of your roof vents. Check out the below image to learn more.